ATTN: Stock traders (regardless of your experience level)! Before you get discouraged and quit trading, if I shared a simple system to help you quickly build up your trading account $ balance and build confidence in your ability as a trader...would you hear me out?
Yet I'll Share How I Can Help You Score Big WINS From Small Cap Stocks In This Letter...Simply By Using a Couple Tricks From The Game of Poker.

Matt Morris
From Matt's Desk
-Thursday 8:33 p.m. EDT
Dear Friend, Valued Customer, Fellow Entrepreneur, Future Success Story...
I know you're tempted to skim, but reading every word of this short letter could mean a triple digit percentage difference in your brokerage account balance...within a short time from right now.
Go ahead and put some designs on that money...picture what you'd do with 3 Times as much money as you have right now...new car? boat? pay off a fat college tuition bill? Your choice...
"I'm Throwing The Bull S____ Flag Here!..."
That's what we used to say to each other back in my military days...
When we thought a fellow Marine was "B.S.-ing" us about a weekend adventure. And maybe...you're doubting the claim I made in the headline above...in a similar fashion?
Well, I can assure you that the strategy I'm writing to you about today is about as good as it gets as far as risk/reward goes...
And that if you start to zero in on this strategy....there could be a suitcase full of money available for you to withdraw from your trading account after a few winning trades. 🙂

Yet Instead of Vouching For Myself, Take a "Looksie" At What My Subscribers Are Saying...
**All Testimonials Are Real And Verifiable. I Withheld Last Names To Protect My Subscribers' Privacy**

And In Case You're Wondering...
About My Personal Track Record? This Screenshot of My Performance Should Clear That Up For You.

My Point? This Deserves Your Attention--Nayy-oww!
Since you can see I'm "for real"...by way of what my paid subscribers say (& my trading results)...
I'd like to share some details about a trade...that I'm expecting no less than a double on. And actually, as you read above, I see a very real possibility of this 1 particular trade tripling my (and yours too if you take it with me) money.
Before Feb 1st!
Here's the rundown...
You Know The Show "Duck Dynasty", Right?

Ok good. I'm not a big TV guy but I do know how popular this show has gotten in America.
Especially when Phil Robertson (He's on the show) came out and make some remarks to the extent of "I would think men would be more attracted to a woman's _______ than they would be to another's man's rear end."
As you may imagine, the liberal media went into a frenzy. "How can this be?" The hand wringing was widespread. A & E even went to the point of removing ol' Phil from the show!
...For about 2 weeks, that is. Under enormous pressure from the American public (most of whom are not gay), A & E caved in and brought back Phil...who was unapologetic about his stance.
I say...good for him! Too much political correctness in our country, it's killing us, so this is refreshing to see.
As a result of the controversy, loyal "Duck Dynasty" viewers went out and bought up the stuff they see the Robertson family wearing...and in particular...1 item made by a public company...that I believe will translate into a huge earnings beat...that could send this stock flying...before Feb 1st!
But Don't Take My Word For It, Ok?

Let Me Sum It Up For You...
This information is something I believe Wall Street has NOT factored into current revenue estimates for this stock.
When Wall Street learns of new information that has a positive material impact on a stock, that stock in many cases will see a powerful move to the upside that can enrich investors who had knowledge of this event before Wall Street did.
I think we have the chance here to capitalize on Wall Street's "blindspot".
And as we know from the famous character Mr. Gordon Gekko from the 1987 smash hit "Wall Street" movie (w/Charlie Sheen aka Mr. "Tiger Blood")...
The most valuable commodity I know of is information. Gordon Gekko, Infamous Character From the Hit Movie 'Wall Street'
The main distinction between what the characters in that movie did...
Compared to what we are doing with this trade...
Is that this research of mine is completely legal!
Anyone with the presence of mind to piece this trade together by paying attention to the controversy around Phil Robertson and pair that with the use of a free tool like Google Trends...
Stands To Cash In On What Wall Street Doesn't Know...100% Legally!
So...even though I can't "guarantee" that this trade will work...
Based off of my research...I have placed a trade that I feel has the odds firmly entrenched in my favor. I have a specific strategy in mind as well, I'm not just winging it...
In fact, I've packaged my complete rationale for this trade, as well as what I expect to occur (before Feb. 1st) in what I've dubbed...

"The Duck Dynasty Trade of Early 2014"

This video report will peel back the curtains and give you all the details on my "Duck Dynasty Trade of Early 2014".
You will see exactly how to take this trade with me (what stock it is and how I'm playing it), as well as why I like this trade so much.
It's that simple.
"Is This Trade Really Anything THAT Special? I Mean--Come On, Matt..."
If that's what you're thinking right now...
Although I can't guarantee this trade will work (no stock is guaranteed to go up), I can guarantee you that you are missing out on the type of trade that only occurs once or twice a year (if you don't invest in this report).
So the choice is yours. Grab this video report today, and then make a decision as to whether to initiate this trade with me or not.
Here's how to grab your copy so you can be HAPPY HAPPY with me...and also so you don't miss out:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4
With the potential for explosive profits on this trade...
You'd think I'd want to charge an arm and a leg, right?
Yet, instead of charging the standard $197...
I'm going to ask that you invest... $127.. $97.. $47...
No sirreee-bobski!
Maybe You're Saying: "Why The Heck Is This So Cheap, Matt?"
Well, a lot of folks have been burnt by unscrupulous characters posing as "expert stock traders". These
shady fellows pose as upstanding individuals...when in actuality all they are is pump and dumpers!
So, thanks to these less than honorable gentlemen (aka my competition), people are hesitant to sign up for monthly stock picking services like mine right off the bat anymore (people didn't think twice about it 2008-2012).
They want to see that someone is sincere and truly does know what the heck he's talking about.
So...by offering this report for just $7, I hope to win you over as a subscriber to my buy & sell
alert newsletter, "Microcap Millionaires".
In fact, you will be presented with a 1 time offer to join my newsletter, right after you click the green "Add To Cart" button below and complete the secure order form. It's not just an ordinary offer though, I'm practically giving
away the farm...as far as my best trading secrets are concerned. So the decision on whether to capitalize on that
1 time offer is up to you.