Plus, discover the stocks that could morph as little as $50 into a life changing sum of cash...
- Stock 1: Why this stock could see a short squeeze that could lead an imminent breakout.
- Stock 2: How 1 news release could spark a fury of "panic buying".
- Stock 3: New sector with big potential poises this cheap stock for a move.
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Hi Matt, I used your stock picks to buy a Jeep and you came through for me. I just bought the Jeep and would like to say thanks.Ashton N.
thanks for the alert Matt. Bought in at .04 and sold at .06 for about a 50% profit in 2 days. Bummed out that it kept going higher after I sold but a win is a win I guess. Chalk it up as a lesson learned thanks again and keep them coming.Ray W.
Nice pick Mr. Matt. Thank you very much.Asim G.
I have missed out on your latest updates due to personal business. But I am interested in the new information. Thank you for your work.Mary G.
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Wow Matt, I am up over $32k. I am sure if I was in the inner circle of yours that I would have received the alert sooner, but hey, not a bag bagger huh?, thanks man.
- Rich
I forgot to thank you for TRTC. I bought at .55 on your recommendation and sold at 1.19 for over 100%! Made over 5k on it, in a little over 1 week. Crazy!
- Jeff
Thank you matt
I made 700% on my UA option calls ,,, your are the best
- Charlie
Thanks Matt. As an update, I started my trade account with just 500$. That account is now worth 1800$ in just 2 months and like 3 or 4 trades. Thanks!
- Chuck