“Food Stamp Stock Pick” Revisited…

I really ruffled some folks’ feathers a while back…

They were ticked off because I called
one penny stock my “Food Stamp Stock Pick”.
In all fairness to my critics…I did go
on a couple rants about how people
abuse the food stamp system and use
it for money to “go clubbin” etc, etc.
[That’s not speculation either…I actually
know these people in person…]
So…I guess I could have been a little more “PC”
and avoided getting some people mad at me…
Remember? …Yeah?….No?
(it’s been a few weeks)
Anyways…my theory was that–at least in part….
That this company’s stock was going to rocket higher in short
order…based off the fact that people could buy
their product with food stamps….
It’s a big deal…because people CANNOT buy
their competitor’s products with food stamps.
So….that’s a big pool of buyers that this company
is tapping into…that it’s competitors can’t touch.
A “competitive advantage”…if you will…
*Note: this is a “tell” that you can use for your
own stock picking adventures…if a company is
growing revenues and has a distinct “competitive
advantage” over it’s competitors…you might
be on to a stock that could be a gold mine of sorts for
(you’ll need to read earnings reports to discern this
or several articles written by authors who are knowledgable
about micro cap stocks)
Ok Matt, I already know all that from
the barrage of “Food Stamp Emails” you
sent a few weeks back…
So…you might be wondering…
How that stock pick panned out?
Well…I have to admit…it hasn’t moved much
since I alerted it to my paid subscribers.
Perhaps most penny stock newsletter dudes wouldn’t
admit that…but I want to be up front with you about
everything Matt…
It hasn’t really gone down much either…but definitely
hasn’t had the breakout I wanted to see just yet.
But guess what?
If you said “Meh” about joining my newsletter
to get in this pick the last time I told you about it…
*You ended up being right…
At least….so far. (cuz the stock hasn’t really moved yet)
As for right now…as in today
If you continue to say “Meh” about this pick?
You could miss out on a move (that is starting as I type
this message for reasons I will explain in a second) that
could end up translating into:
paying for a new or “new to you” car in cash
-having money for a vacation before New Year’s (maybe a “man-cation”?)
doubling the balance of cash in your trading account (those pretty green numbers)
-stamping a big “PAID” on outstanding credit card or tuition bills (trust me it feels GOOD)
You want that stuff…. yeah?
Ok here’s why you should no longer say
“Meh” about my food stamp stock pick
and join MM for the 50% to 200% move I
am predicting in the next few days and weeks…
My “Food Stamp Stock Pick”…or the company
behind the stock…
Just reported it’s quarterly earnings a few days ago.
And…in short…
They kicked some serious butt!
-Grew revenues substantially
Grew earnings substantially
-Kept expenses under control
Have deals to grow revenue/profits in the works
-Are upbeat about their ability to continue to
deliver killer earnings reports like this one
Earnings are the single most important thing to consider
about a stock…whether it’s a $1000 per share stock…
Or something trading around a dollar a share…
(Like my “Food Stamp Stock Pick” is)
Got it?
Since the earnings report came out….
Buying volume has picked up….and
this stock is getting close to breaking
previous levels of resistance…
So…point is…
If you get in this pick now…you could be getting
Right before thousands of other traders and investors
hear about it.
If you know much about trading…getting in before others
do is almost always a way to make nice, quick profits.
I ask you again…
Do you want in my “Food Stamp Stock Pick”?
If your answer is “Meh”…
Simply do nothing. I’ll let you know how it does after the
new year. Fair warning though…
I’m not sure when another penny stock will present itself
in a situation like this one is in right now…you actually might
have to wait until next summer or fall before another stock
this ripe for a breakout presents itself.
(meaning…a penny stock with: growing revenues, earnings,
competitive advantage, pretty chart, etc.)
Now…if your answer is…
“Yes, Matt…give me the details on this Food Stamp Stock
Pick so I can get in before it moves up for me and potentially
balloons my trading account into a nice sum of cash!”
Then I have a special offer for you today…
Here’s how to get this pick, with my complete strategy for this pick…
That INCLUDES when to sell this stock…
discounted monthly rate of $97 (you can cancel anytime just
by emailing me)
2) Select your upgrades during checkout (first one is for “early
bird” text alerts the other for my insider circle coaching group)
3) Wait about 15 seconds for your login/password email, then login
to see this pick
And I almost forgot…I’ll also have a special trading strategy bonus report for you
in the members area that I just uploaded. Value of this report? I could easily run
pay per click ads to a sales page for this report and sell it at $97 all day long.
It’s waiting for you.
(and get your no-extra-charge $97 bonus report in member’s area)
Hope to be high-fiving with you
as this stock makes new highs in
the next few days…
At least via email–lol.
p.s. remember, it’s all about specific “tells”…if you can’t
identify something specific about a stock as to why you
believe it has a good shot a making a move, ignore it
p.p.s. just kidding about being more “PC” or politically
correct….it’s one of the many things undermining our country
at the moment…and I’ll have no part of that. If you are a veteran
of our military, thank you for your service (it’s Veterans Day).