[track record update] China stock picks SOARING!
SO are you tired of missing out
on my Chinese stock picks yet?

[In case you’ve been apathetic towards trading lately,
it’s time to awake out of your slumber, and the Alibaba IPO
is a major reason why…]

Probably not, because you haven’t been a paid
member of the Microcap Millionaires family
this month. 🙁

So let me fill you in on our first 2 China picks
for the month & how they’ve performed:

1) JRJC (see image below for result)

2) CGA (another image below with details on this one)
**Full Frontal: We exited JRJC around 9.50 and
are still in CGA.**

So the charts tell the story, but how are my subscribers
faring? [image above shows testimonial email I got from a subscriber]

I’ve given you plennnnnty of notice about
this “China theme”…even made a video/report
all about it…and you still haven’t joined yet.


Is it too late? Is the China stock party over?


And that’s a good thing (for you).

Think I’m just saying that because it’s self

I understand…but let me prove it to you…


The Alibaba IPO is the reason these China
stocks are coming to life…at least a main part.

(there needs to be other catalysts as well, that’s
my job to find’em for you!)


It’s still a couple weeks away…so these Chinese stock
moves should continue, at the very least, until October 1st
in my opinion.

Make sense?


Want to get dibs on my next pick, as soon as I find
one ready to move like JRJC and CGA did?

==> The Next JRJC & CGA Type Chinese Gainer

All you’ll need to do is join via the secure order form
and then you’ll get instant access the member’s only area.

*China-Stock BONUS: Access to the Penny Stock Strategy
Course and my new “Options Trading Strategy Course”…a
combined value of $297… AND access to my report, the
“China Stock Cheat Sheet of 2014”!

You’ll get 3-5 email alerts WITH buy and sell details for each
pick per week, plus these exclusive bonuses that will help you
become a savvy trader within just hours!

==> Link That Makes SURE You Avoid Missing The Next Pick

*There are NO commitments. Cancel anytime just by sending
a brief email. (other “gurus”, who have crappy picks for the most
part, make you sign up for a full year…not me!)

Excited to trade with you today!

p.s. the long sleepy summer is over…it’s time to commit some
capital to specific stocks with the “tells” that can lead you to
life changing financial gains…it’s tricky but I can do the hard
work for you, just let me tell you when to buy & when to sell